
Mission of Nazar Muhammad Foundation


We pledge to serve Pakistan and nurture good human beings. Nazar Muhammad Foundation has a Mission of making Pakistan a great country to live in, where even person has means to feed his family, kids has a right to education, every patient has resources to get treatment. We have and endeavor for a society whose key characteristic is patience and tolerance, something badly needs.

Quality Food

NM Foundation has been servicing quality of food services to needy .


NM Foundation is a non- government, non-profit-welfare organization..

Clean Water

NM Foundation successfully introduced 14 different Humanitarian program.

Shelter Place

NM Foundation is currently providing their services and doing welfare.
Educated Persons
Vision ranges
Won Awards
We started 2021 with a heavy heart when Mr Haidri left us and returned to his creator.

We aim to continue and expand .

Provide Food

To begin with, he focused his attention on the leftover food

Provide Water supply

He caused his staff to collect the food that apart from food,

Provide Homes

Mr. Chandna, as he saw the poor at close quarters realized

Provide Education

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